Soul Train Yoga

Workplace Yoga
Yoga in your workplace - Helping people achieve their best!
Soul Train Yoga can arrange yoga sessions for your staff, conference delegates or workshop participants - as a one-off event or weekly scheduled classes.
These sessions provide employers and employees with powerful tools to manage everyday challenges and optimise health and wellbeing.
A range of options to suit you:
Regular classes at your workplace
A refresh and revive yoga stretch session where participants remain in regular workplace clothing.
Simple meditation & breathing techniques
From a brief 15 min session, to sharpen focus between speakers, to a full class or workshop
An outdoor, team yoga session - beachside or in the park
Half or full day sessions Healthy habits in the workplace including yoga, nutrition, and techniques to quieten the mind.
We make yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level or body shape! No-one is made to feel they can't do something and the teaching style is inclusive, friendly and positive.
Yoga in your workplace - The Benefits
Yoga is a complete program of mind-body health and personal growth; a fresh approach to improving productivity and staff morale.
Yoga makes use of:
Postures to ease tension and help prevent and relieve RSI
Effective breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety
Simple meditation tools to achieve mental clarity
Benefits of corporate yoga include: improved productivity, concentration and clarity of mind, reduced stress levels, absenteeism, staff turnover and workplace injuries plus better staff morale and worker relations.
Weekly classes from around $15 per student Conferences & Workshops $250 per hour or part hour.
Contact Alison on 0407 092 967 for your quote.

Frequently Asked Questions
What size room do we need for on-site classes?
Each person needs around a 1m x 2m space, so for 25 students we need a cleared room space of approximately 7.5m x 10m. Off-site venues are available for larger groups.
What do we wear?
For the conference and chair based yoga sesssions, classes are done in regular workplace clothing
For the weekly scheduled workplace classes, wear something you can move easily in.
What should we bring?
For the conference sessions and workplace sessions, bring a water bottle.
For the weekly yoga scheduled workplace classes, mats are provided, but if you have your own you are welcome to bring it.
Are longer sessions available?
Yes, half or full day workshops are available where we can include, healthy habits for the workplace, ayurvedic nutrition, as well as yoga, breathing and meditation techniques.
I've never done yoga before and I'm not sure if I'm flexibile enough or fit enough?
Soul Train Yoga classes are accessible to everyone! All classes are suitable for absolute beginners to advanced. All of the postures are introduced as new, then the more advanced students are instructed into the extended version of the pose. That's the beauty of yoga we can all be working to our own level but together in the one class. Students with injuries and medical conditions can also easily be included in the class and offered modified versions of the poses.
I have a medical condition that may affect my ability to do yoga, can I still join in?
All students or conferences participants need to advise the teacher before the session of any medical condition/injury or anything else that they think may affect their ability to do yoga, so that modifications and adjustments can be made.
I am pregnant, can I still join in?
Soul Train Yoga workplace and conference classes are suitable for all stages of pregnancy, unless the student has been advised against this by their healthcare professionals. Students who are in the early stages of pregnancy and have not yet "announced" their pregnancy to everyone, should still advise the teacher of their pregnancy, knowing the teacher will honour the privacy of the student.
Do you have sample class themes? or can you incorporate our corporate message?
Class Styles
Relaxing & Restorative - often chair based (no need for changing into yoga clothes)
Carrying tension in your body takes an enormous toll on your energy reserves. Yoga helps promote a sense of relaxation. Breathing deeply as practised in yoga, helps relax your muscles and also brings much needed oxygen to your cells. The deep sense of relaxation also leads to better quality sleep. Let Soul Train Yoga relax and restore and leave you to float out of the class...
Asymmetry and unbalance in different parts of the body create stress and strain. Yoga helps in creating balance and harmony in the body. Yoga creates symmetry throughout your body, making you strong, flexible and balanced. Yoga helps to clear the clutter, brings us to better health at all levels and brings balance in our lives. Soul Train Yoga will help clear the mind and bring balance to your mind, body and soul.
Energising & Invigorating
Practising yoga is a great way to energise your day. Yoga helps release tension and clear blockages, allowing energy to flow freely, creating an overall sense of vitality and well-being. Yoga poses don't create energy, they release energy and they also keep us from expending energy in activities that don't do anything for us. Soul Train Yoga will help kick-start your day with a strong class leaving you feeling energised and invigorated.
Sample class themes:
Embracing change
Trust & intuition
Work with intention
Step outside your comfort zone
The power of your words
Being vs Doing
Judgements & Understanding
You are only the centre of your own universe
Classes can also be themed around any corporate message you are currently communicating to your team!
Contact Alison for enquiries and bookings 0407 092 967 or email: alison@soultrainyoga.com