Soul Train Yoga
What our students are saying
Hi Alison,
Thank you for igniting my yoga passion! Alana x
Hi Alison,
Thanks for a great class this morning- I really enjoyed it! I left feeling I could achieve anything today!
Thanks, Adelina
Alison, just wanted to say thank you for helping me along this journey. Yoga has changed my life! Thank You!
Thanks again, Jamieson
Hi Alison,
I wanted to send you a note to let you know how much I enjoy coming to your classes. You make it so easy and enjoyable. I never feel like I can't do it or like I need to look, act or be a certain way. I feel good when I am at yoga. Thank you for that. I really enjoy the amazing quotes that you read too!
All the best, Carly
Hi Alison,
My poor stiff body has had 30 years of hard court sport, plus all that sitting at a desk etc so needs some TLC! Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am enjoying coming to the classes and I am grateful for your patience and careful explanation of the techniques. Cheers, Diana
I love coming to classes with Alison, she is such a positive teacher and knows how to challenge me in a way that is safe for my body. The atmosphere in Alison's classes is always positive and non-judgemental, the instructions are so clear I know my body is being looked after. When I first came to Alison's classes I had almost no experience of Yoga. Alison made me feel so welcome and worked with where I was at, never making me feel stupid or unco-ordinated. Even as a beginner I got so much out of the first class and went away feeling positive and energised. That feeling has continued over a year of classes that I still get that positive feeling and I have improved in my body and my mind... and definately my spirit. Thank you Alison for guiding me through my discovery of yoga. I feel so good after class and my flexibility, fitness and physical/mental wellbeing have all improved so much. Kent : )
Hi Alison,
I hope you are having a wonderful week! I wanted to say thank you for your fabulous classes. They mean so much to me. My boyfriend says I come home much happier and calmer on Saturdays!
With Kindest Regards, Sarah-Jane
I signed up to an Absolute Beginners program with Soul Train Yoga 7 months ago. From the start Alison has been a friendly, approachable & very knowledgeable instructor. I'm now going to two general classes a week and feel much stronger, calmer, happier and healthier that I did before I made yoga part of my life. I absolultely recommend Alison's classes for anyone from total beginner to advanced. Carly
I have been to a variety of yoga classes in the last ten years and have found Alison's classes to be better balanced than others. The instruction is not intimidating, but at the end of a session I feel that I have had a good workout. When I miss a class, I really notice, as the comprehensive range of yoga exercises keeps me feeling limber and prevents injury. I also find her classes a great way to relax and destress the mind. Alex
Hi Alison,
I just wanted to say that I'd never tried yoga before being pregnant and really enjoyed your classes. The instructions were really clear and constructive and everything was very much tailored to a pregnant body. Taking the 2 classes per week right up until my baby was born certainly helped me to maintain flexibility and body strength. It was also a great way for me to take some time out and meet other Mums.
Thanks, Charlotte x
Good morning Alison,
Just wanted to say thank you for another amazing class this morning! I'm so excited to be doing 3 classes this week! Woo Hoo!
Sending loving sparkles of sunshine, Julie-Ann xx
Taking prenatal classes with Alison has been a wonderful experience. It helped me all along my pregnancy and also for the birth. When I started prenatal yoga, I had a lot of pain (sciatica and shoulder pain...) then in a week all gone! The yoga positions taught were always gentle on my pregnant body and I left the class feeling refreshed and calm. Many of the yoga positions practised are perfect for labour and I was able to recall these movements easily as I moved throughout the different stages of labour. I also recovered very quickly after the birth and I'm sure that's thanks to Alison's classes.
Thank you Alison so much for the wonderful classes and your caring ways. Your teaching contributed a great deal to my birth experience, Pauline R
Hi Alison,
Thanks for the yoga poses you suggested to help with my carpal tunnel. I have been doing much better ever since I've been practising yoga. I do the stretches that you suggested for me and the tingling has improved heaps. Thank you, you are a sleep saver!
Kat x
Dearest Alison,
Just wanted to say again how much I have enjoyed your classes. A fabulous combination of theory, skills and practise and beautifully taught! Sar xx
Hi Alison,
Milk Messages
Thank you for staying in touch, you are a star. I am well and have been busy making a short film and spending some time with my daughter. She wishes me to start the sunrise Yoga Boot Camp sessions at the foreshore again as it means she gets a glass of milk in bed. When I first came to Yoga Boot Camp last year when she couldn't read, if she woke up and there was a glass of milk there she knows I'm at yoga and will be back soon, so had a wee drink and went back to sleep. The glass of milk was our symbol. Now I could leave her a note (or a novel) and she would read it, but I'm sure she prefers the milk! See you soon, Gabrielle
Thank you Alison, very amazing!
Your class was great on Saturday, although it was such a hot day it gave me energy. I have been chipping away at my yoga for years and there was a girl in front of me who was a first timer and was exhausted. The subtleties of what I have learnt over the years of practise were the difference between us. ie holding hands with definition/energised for each pose - assisting to keep energy running through the whole of the body during the standing poses etc, distracting the mind from the discomfort of the heat. There is so much to know as a beginner, but just a little thing like that can make all the difference. I was also proud of myself that I didn't need to get my water bottle out - all of my energy was contained within - it affirmed to me how much I love yoga and how good it is for me, for us all. Thanks for your inspiring stories too Alison, see you soon, Kaye
Hi Alison,
I didn't anticipate that joining a yoga course would provide me with the kind of teaching and tools to improve my life - it's really wonderful and amazingly helpful. Thank you, MB
Maybe I haven't said it enough, but I would like to thank you very much for your great classes. They have made such a big difference in my life - health and other. It is great!!! I look forward to more, Cheers Yann
P.S. I can touch my toes now!!!
Thanks for great course Alison! The beginners course was a really thorough, but relaxed, introduction to yoga. I had always wanted to start yoga, but some of the other beginners courses seemed a bit daunting. Your course was relaxed and friendly, but informative. The fact that you have yoga mats there was a plus point for me, Clare.
Hey there!
Just wanted to say hope you have a wonderful long weekend! I love your classes Alison, you're stuck with me!!! Danica xo
Hi Alison,
I found the absolute beginners yoga course a fun and accessible introduction to yoga. It was absolultely fantastic, uplifting, educational, and rejuvenating! I experienced and achieved more than I thought I would. Doing it in conjuction with Yoga Boot Camp meant that my aim of improving my general fitness and well being was well achieved in the five weeks. The positive effects on my mind and body allowed me to easily build a strong, solid commitment to continue my fitness practice and enjoy the benefits that this brings, thanks Michelle.
Thank you for your continuous devotion to your students. Although I've let my practice slip, I feel valued and enthusiastic that you keep in contact with me, Gab.
Hi Alison,
Thanks so much for introducing me to prenatal yoga! I think your classes are amazing, and you're such a calming, yet naturally relaxed teacher. I've really enjoyed the experience. Kind Regards, Emma
Hello Alison,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying your classes. After last nights class I felt really quite grounded! Thank you, Erin
Thanks heaps for the classes Alison, I will recommend you to everyone!! Cheers, Ben
Hi Alison, Just wanted to let you know that I have really love the sunrise Yoga Boot Camp sessions - thanks so much, Kellie.
Alison, Thank you again for getting my yoga practise started, phase 2 is getting it continued, which may prove to be the harder part! Cheers, Todd P
Hi Alison,
Everyone in the group has thoroughly enjoyed your class each week and we would love to look at restarting again later in the year. On behalf of the group here at LEVI'S (R) I'd like to say thank you for your time in taking the classes.... and also for your words of wisdom. Nikki Derby - LEVI's Head Office
Hi Alison,
Thank you so much for the yoga session the day before we married. It was such fun and EVERYBODY enjoyed themselves - a huge hit! The wedding was magic, couldn't have gone better and on the morning of the wedding I did take on board your breathing tips to avoid meltdown - I was close! Jen
Don't know what I did last night but after your class I felt like a new born baby......absolutely pain free (especially in my lower back)... what a wonderful feeling - thanks so much! Van x
Hey Alison,
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your classes. I know I don't make it to every single one, but when I do I deeply enjoy them. I feel inspired and energised. I have done many classes before, here and there, over the years, and I appreciate your style - that is all! Cheers Ella
We had great feedback about your classes Alison!! Thank you. - Australian Institute of Fitness, Richmond
Thanks for this mornings class Alison! I am jumping out of my skin!! You are really good at what you do.... Love Kylie x
I haven't had a chance to tell you how much I loved the Yoga Boot Camp intensive that I did. I didn't realise that I was so unbalanced (I had an idea but the extent of it was hilarious!), so it was great to start back and get back on track! Kel xx
Dear Alison,
Thank you so much for your wonderful prenatal yoga classes. You are a wonderful teacher and I want to tell you that your classes have been one of the highlights of my pregnancy. I'm looking forward to the Mums & Bubs classes, Thanks again, love Becca x
Alison, I'm really enjoying your classes and enjoy the positive and gentle manner in which you teach. Thank you, Lena
Loved the Yoga Boot Camp! I really enjoyed the experience! Best part about it was the calm feeling it gave me for the day ahead, it kind of cleared my mind. Cheers, Linda x
I have told all my friends about Yoga Boot Camp and they thought it was a fab idea.... I enjoyed that you were Scottish as your accent was soothing in the mornings, Kara
Hi Alison,
Thank you for remembering to email me the "words of wisdom" you read at the end of the class today, it's very kind of you. And it brought tears to my eyes again, Heather x