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Soul Train Yoga

Weekly Timetable

Currently we are only offering private and semi-private classes.  Please call or text Alison for details 0407 092 967.


Which style is taught?

The teaching style is friendly and positive, and classes follow the sequencing from Ashtanga Yoga.



For those who have a basic understanding of some yoga postures, the Ashtanga sequencing and breathwork.

Teaching Style: Most postures demonstrated, some postures verbally cued.


Absolute Beginners:
Text or Email for details of the next course or 0407 092 967

For those who are new to yoga, those who are returning from a break or those who are not familiar with the Ashtanga yoga sequencing and breathwork. Pregnant students are welcome to attend this class.

Teaching Style: Fully demonstrated class with high level of description in the postures and full introduction to using the breath in practice.

Class Style

The teaching style is positive and friendly, everyone is made to feel welcome! Classes follow a simplified version of the sequencing of Ashtanga Yoga (Sri K Pattabhi Jois).  To bring balance to your body and mind classes focus equally on creating both strength and flexibility.  Yoga is about your experience and while there is a strong focus on alignment, students are encouraged to explore each pose. The classes intend to leave you feeling strong, centered and re-energised. Top of Page>>


"I am not teaching you anything. I just help you to explore yourself" Bruce Lee


What to expect from our classes

Yoga is an approach to physical and mental health, well-being and personal growth. It is a discipline through which we experience, explore and challenge our minds and bodies, and the nature of our being.


Our yoga classes aim to:


  • Increase mobility in your body

  • Tone your body

  • Teach you to Relax & Breathe

  • Discover Peace & Clarity in your daily life


We provide all mats and equipment and the teaching style is positive and friendly. 



In a Soul Train Yoga class you will experience different techniques of the yoga process. Each class starts with a short contemplation meditation, some breathwork followed by the majority of our time focussed on asana, the physical yoga postures.  Each class finishes with a deep relaxation.


"When we work on ourselves it has a direct impact on everyone that we meet."


Everyone comes to yoga for a different reason, often to help reduce stress, keep our body fit and healthy, find peace, to settle our restless mind, to take time for ourselves, heal our body, or to reflect and reconnect with who we really are and what we want out of life. Whatever the reason we come to yoga, most people experience a greater sense of well-being and an ability to respond to the world in a more balanced way. Top of Page>>



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the teachers in my life, especially Paul Dallaghan and all those who have walked this path before me, Namaste, Alison x

Soul Train Yoga  - Currently only private & semi-private classes running

© 2013 by Soul Train Yoga all rights reserved.

Contact: Alison Ritchie

Mobile: 0407 092 967

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